Slept very badly yet again, but this time I'm blaming Russell T. Davies.
Thank you, sir, for one last parting shot at your female characters. The Doctor Knows Best, of course, so neither Rose nor Donna get any choice in what happens to them (the entire rest of their lives, no less). Thanks in particular for creating such a fantastically self-motivated, stubborn, no-nonsense character as Donna--such an effective foil for the Doctor--and then literally taking back everything you ever did with her. It's hard for me to feel the Doctor's oh-so-lonely rained-on angst at the end of the episode when I am fuming.
(Oh, there were things I liked about the episode; in fact, I enjoyed most of it. But that ending was enough to make me lose my glee.)
Good riddance to you. Fucker.
Probably the homesickness and general moodiness is not his fault, however. Urgh, I've had it with this experiment; clearly my hormones are still irregular, doctor, now give me my damn pills already.
I'm cranky as hell, obviously, but it can't possibly last: Hushies on Wednesday! ♥ I do believe I'll be seeing some of you there.