I swear I am going to post about WisCon soon. This last week has been exhausting ... hit the ground running with Check-In week at work the minute I got back, and over the weekend my roommates and I had a Serious Cleaning Discussion and also bought and moved furniture. Many good things, but I'm overtired and also having a lot of random anxiety. And some less random (money is terrible, news at eleven). So right now I'm inclined to relax, rewatch some Pretty Little Liars and draw some X-Men f/f fanart. (Finally meeting
prozacpark has really been a huge fannish influence, to my delight.)
(When I do post, some of it will be at my other blog, since I spent a couple events very explicitly performing my ~professional identity ... nearly always happy to share the link with fanpeople who ask.)
Also I am feeling seriously cranky about Days of Future Past (I haven't seen it and I'm not going to), so fair warning there, probably not the best thing to discuss with me. Ridiculously excited about both Belle and Maleficent, though, so whatever. :D
This entry was originally posted at
my dreamwidth. (