It is such a cool, lovely day out today! Seriously, favorite cafe of mine, there is no need for this level of AC. I am kind of chilled right now.
Hi! Oh man, hello, I have not written in awhile; too busy turning my life upside-down.
A couple weeks ago, I moved back to my hometown (yay no more unpleasant roommate)! My job search hasn't been as fruitful as I'd hoped (yet), so I'm crashing with my parents temporarily, which isn't my favorite thing? But I'm very fond of them, and they're being decent about respecting my space. Can't turn my nose up at the lack of rent while I have no income; it's really very generous.
So I'm looking for work, but meanwhile I have huge comic deadlines and ridiculous professional travel coming up in September! And I made it my mission to not become a house-dwelling hermit (it would be so easy to tuck myself away in my parents' neighborhood, away from town and people). So I've been pouring myself into socializing ... spending time with friends, yeah, but also meeting people from OKCupid! And attending a munch! I seem to be getting better at swallowing my social anxiety, because apparently people are mostly not noticing it. I'm making new friends, who aren't cartoonists, even!
I was kind of hoping to make other connections too, but ... I do seem to attract people who really need someone to vent all their issues to. Which is certainly a service I've always been happy to provide, but ... once my caretaker instincts are triggered, things tend to go to a pretty firmly platonic place. (A lesson hard-earned in my adolescence.) Oh well? There is this one person from the munch who I've been, like, having giddy little adventures and flirting with ... that's really fun. :) I was in a rush to get down here and have options, but I don't need to rush now. (Down, self.)
Also, it's just really nice here. I miss my cartoonist swimming trips, but I get to take long walks by my tiny river, enjoy my mother's huge garden, and hang around places that don't close at five! I can pick up my comics every week, spend time with my best friends, and have a kink scene that I'm actually kind of interested in engaging with. (There's a queer-oriented play party in October, hmmm!) Now if I could get an income going, and therefore an apartment as well ... I'd be pretty well set for awhile.
Meanwhile, fandom-wise, well. Teen Wolf has been having an extremely uneven season, but I'm enjoying the hell out of getting to have supernatural teen TV nights with the BFF again after so long! And exchanging ridiculous theories with
ataratah in the interim. My dearest wish is to get a little ahead on my comic projects (ahaha) so that I can draw some of the cracky fusion fanart currently living in my head.
Speaking of things I want to draw, as you can probably tell from my previous post, I'm head-over-heels in love with Welcome To Night Vale. It took me a few episodes to get hooked, but somewhere around the time Cecil was hiding under the desk from Station Management ... IDK. It has an unusual amount of crossover between my different communities, too; a lot of my non-fandom artist friends are listening too, and some even in a fannish way. It's interesting watching the fandom on tumblr; so many wildly creative designs! My headcanon is pretty tame by comparison (rather than third eyes, mobile tattoos and tentacles, I picture an aggressively "normal," even conservative-looking, community with creepy but subtle deviations), but I'd love to have time to play with it.
And! I'm so excited to pick up the latest issue of Killjoys on release day for a change! Especially since I've been experiencing some fannish disappointment when it comes to comics. I was so excited for the new X-Men book, hoping that I could get some fandom renaissance out of it (Rachel Summers/Kitty Pryde is my OTP forever), but man. I was so disappointed with the first story arc. I spent the third issue just shaking my head over wasted dramatic opportunities and poor use of ensemble dynamics. I'll give it one more storyline, I guess. I'm too broke to put character loyalty over quality the way I did in the old days (I'll save that for stuff I don't have to pay for, like ... Teen Wolf!).
This entry was originally posted at
my dreamwidth. (