Apr 25, 2007 16:20
Ah, what a whirlwind I've been through! Home again. So strange, after living third world for a month. I left Zambia at 7:30am Monday morning and finally dragged my suitecase through the door of my home in Baltimore yesterday at 3:30pm. I spent 35 hours traveling!! That includes a 9-hour layover in South Africa, a 17 hour flight to the States, and another 5 hour layover in Atlanta. I'm physically weary but spiritually shining. :) God is so kind to me in so many ways I can't put words to. He just keeps speaking awesome things.
I couldn't afford to take any more time away from my job, so today was my first day back at work - I'm nearly dizzy with jetlagged exhaustion, but really enjoying being back with my coworkers again. :) I've described various aspects of my journey to a dozen different people, but even as I speak I know I can never paint a picture that they'd really understand. Not without eyes that have been opened by the Holy Spirit. :)
I'll describe the last month as best I can when I've had a chance to rest - thank you all for being so very patient. :) I love you all ~