Time Goes On

May 11, 2005 19:47

Can you believe the year is almost over!! It completely astounds me. Time went by without me on board, but over the course of this year I have grown a lot as a person and an individual. I have learned somuch and gained a tremendous amount of perception and knowledge on how exactly this world works. But more importantly, I have learned that time goes by. In this year, I could have definitely enjoyed myself a lot more than I did, but with all my focus on petty details, I let time slip away. From this experience I have come out realizing that there is no point on worrying and stressing on silly things that wont matter. To hell with the stress and pressure. A whole year has passed by; if time continues this quickly and we don't enjoy what is passing us, then how many good moments are we going to have? What will we actually accomplish in self-fulfillment? I now realize as the over used cliche says Live for the moment, (and cliches must have a point if they are a cliche) that there is no point on living in a reality where you dread life and its challenges. It's much more suitable to actually try to enjoy the time we have as it's definitely short and make the best of it we can, and if that means limiting stress, it seems like a good thing! :p

Also I have come to see as time goes on so do relationships. Over the years I have made many friends- some have drifted away with the test of time and distance and others are still as close as they always have been. But I have realized that no matter who the friend is, all of them that are leaving are going to be tremendously missed. I mean friends are what makes the world worthwhile and relationships are the building blocks of society, so they are defintely a significant part of life. But for all my friends that are leaving or have drifted away, I <3 all of you for each of your unique characteristics and personality. And the ones that are leaving, I don't know how the parts of my life that included you will go on, and I feel sheer anxiety for the future of those parts. But I also feel hopeful and optimistic for ya'll. Better things are coming your way, the world is a big place and is full of opportunity for all of you to thrive on. I just want you to know that for all of my friends out there and even the people that I just know but never got the chance to appreciate, I hope the best and I know you will do great things for the world!!

With this also comes my desire to change for the better. I hope to be a much more pleasant person next year, cherishing every moment instead of worrying about simple details and imperfections. Instead of making a molehill into a mountain, I will try to appreciate every molehill for how it will improve my character. And to all of you a simple message and an overused cliche but what all of us can learn from:

Sing as if nobody is listening.
Dance as if nobody is watching.
Love as if you've never been hurt.
Live as if Heaven is on Earth.
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