A Little Mushroomery

Feb 12, 2007 19:11

Cell: 626 710 0591

One more time: Cell: 626 710 0591

Toadstool Jewel:         <
Beautiful and Cool.  (      )

A Little Mushroomery

(no not drugs.)

Trikes and bikes,
mike 'n ikes.
Midnight heist,
pie sliced thrice.
Windy night,
silent kite.
Kitty cats fight,
bright lights provide sight.

Looking at my Armenian calendar (free from the mail), it says the 19th is washington's b-day not presidents day.  Who am i supposed to believe.

Keep out the manuscript

Lacking Height
Clad in tights
Just might fight.
Squaks. Bites.

OK I actually like Mrs. Bohte. The best actually, out of all my teachers this year.  I thought she was going to be a mean old lady.
A bit disconnected with reality, but I like her style. Im not talking academically.

Maybe I should try to send in a photo portfolio instead for AP art. But maybe im just imagining that im capable of that.
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