Ryan Lochte’s Favorite Pickup Line

Nov 06, 2012 06:56

Ryan Lochte’s Favorite Pickup Line

by Cassie Shortsleeve November 5, 2012, 08:22 pm EST

After winning gold medals in the pool last summer in London, Olympic playboy Ryan Lochte’s work outside of the water has earned him just as many-if not more-headlines.

From partying poolside (where else?) with Prince Harry in Vegas, to hanging out with Dwyane Wade at New York Fashion Week, to making cameos on TV shows like 90210 and 30 Rock, Lochte hasn’t left the limelight since his star-making turn in August.

So last week, we caught up with our former cover guy while he visited Boston’s Boys & Girls Club with Gillette. Learn which three famous men are in the swimmer’s all-time wolf pack, his go-to pickup line for wooing women, and how to live your life the Ryan Lochte way-grills not included. Celebrity Fitness!)

Men’s Health: So, what’s the coolest part of life post-Olympics?

Ryan Lochte: Walking down the street and being asked to take a picture and sign an autograph. The fact that people actually want my autograph is crazy.

Men’s Health: What do your friends think about it?

Ryan Lochte: My buddies think it’s hilarious. They know me, and they never thought that swimming could get me to where I am today. They think it’s cool that I have all these different opportunities.

Men’s Health: Have you met any new friends since the Games?

Ryan Lochte: Yeah, I actually got to hang out with Ludacris. I met him at a basketball game at the Olympics and we exchanged numbers, and have been keeping in touch. I have a swim meet in Atlanta in December that he wants to come to. We’ve been texting back and forth since he’s been shooting Fast and Furious 6. He’s a really nice guy.

Men’s Health: You’ve also had a lot of time since the games to do a bunch of different things: act, travel, attend Fashion Week . . . and party. If you could party with three people-living or dead-who would they be?

Ryan Lochte: Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, and Lil Wayne. Abe Lincoln is my favorite president of all time-and he pulls off that top hat pretty well. Albert Einstein was just a genius. And Lil Wayne’s pretty much my favorite artist. It’d be neat to go out with all three of them.

Men’s Health: What’s your opening line when you meet a girl?

Ryan Lochte: I don’t really have lines. If I meet a pretty girl, and she doesn’t know who I am, I’ll usually just say, “Hey, I’m Ryan.” And I usually don’t say my last name.

Men’s Health: If you ever started a fashion line one day, what would it be like?

Ryan Lochte: That’s definitely something I’m passionate about. I want to start selling athletic wear, then work my way up to just regular men’s apparel. I want to go for that sexy look with that little Lochte edge to it.

Men’s Health: Speaking of fashion, what was your Halloween costume?

Ryan Lochte: It was something I put together last minute: I was a rock ‘n roller. Leather pants with a belt chain, white shirt, and a long wig.

Men’s Health: What would one have to wear to pull off a Ryan Lochte costume?

Ryan Lochte: They better have the grills-Paul Wall did mine. And green shoes.

Men’s Health: You’ve got a good sense of humor about yourself, as you showed in your recent cameo on 30 Rock. Why’s that important?

Ryan Lochte: That’s just me. I go with the flow. I experience every opportunity. You gotta live life and have fun with it. There’s no point in being all upset because you never know when life will sell you short.

Men’s Health: So do you ever read what people say about you in the news?

Ryan Lochte: No. I don’t go on the computer and Google myself, or any of that. There are some things that I don’t really want to read about. I know who I am and what I’ve done. So I don’t follow up on interviews and whatnot.

Men’s Health: So you’re not going to read our article?

Ryan Lochte: Oh, well . . . yeah, I’ll read this article. (Want more Lochte? Click here to learn his Olympic Swimming Secrets.)

[ source ]

article: interview, photo: swim clinic, event: tv, event: olympics - london '12

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