The grand "re-opening" of The Daily Reezy.

Aug 07, 2009 00:25

Lately, there haven't been many public posts here at The Daily Reezy. I say it's high time for things to be different around here.

So to make that happen, a few things are going to have to change. Namely, more public (unlocked) posts will be allowed and even encouraged. However, there will still be a few guidelines. With the community going "public" again, comments will need to stay appropriate and as on topic as possible. This is not to say there will be no joking around, no fun allowed. Simply stay aware of what you're saying and if you're posting in a locked or unlocked post.

It's best to be cautious and just remember that posts that are locked can be unlocked. Posts that are unlocked can be locked later, but you can't control who or how many times what you put up is shared. When in doubt, lock it!

Moderated posting will also continue.

Questions? Concerns? Leave a comment or send me a message, either works. :)

!mod post

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