Oct 28, 2005 21:22
Today is what is commonly reffered to as a bad day. School was decent after school not so much. I got "hit by a basketball" and shit. It knocked me unconcisous for like 15 seconds. And screwed up my jaw. Im pretty sure i had/have a concussion here are the symptoms. "The symptoms that will usually immediately follow a concussion may include a HEADACHY FEELING, ABNORMAL SLEEPINESS, DISSINESS, CONFUSION, lack of feeling or emotion, anxiety, BLURRED VISION, vomiting (no but i did feel nauscious), and the INABILITY TO REMEMBER EVENTS PRIOR TO THE INJURY" Yeah so that sucked. And like my jaw dosent close right anymore like it didnt used to then i had surgery and stuff to fix it but now like it dosent close straight but Dr. brawley said when the swelling goes down it might get better. But the way the insurence is if i have to get it fixed again they will pay for it rather than us payin for it out of pocket. So i didnt get 2 run 2day so im kinda disappointed about that but ill get over it. 2morrow is lee of huntsville dont think im gonna go.