I feel as though I should update

Aug 10, 2013 20:03

But quite honestly, I'm not sure what to say. I want to be more involved again, but yeah, anyway ( Read more... )

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reetinkerbell August 11 2013, 10:05:56 UTC
Honestly I don't know, mainly because it's not accurate. They only count the people who are signed up at our government-sort-of-run "help you get a job" place (although they aren't always doing a great job of that; they need to hire more people!) and I'm not, and I know a lot of other people aren't either.

Thanks honey. I'm sure that once I do find that good job I will be more than happy and possibly also feel that it was worth the wait, but as it is now, I am worried about what will happen when my money does run out and I have to take what I would consider to be a very crappy job (if I could get even that!). I draw the line at working at McD, but even that might be a reality I will have to face soon enough if I don't find something.

I am so glad that you have a job that you enjoy, for the most part and that you are appreciated (although not as much as you should be!).


pagan_toon76 August 11 2013, 14:43:22 UTC
Ooh, very interested to read your P&P fic. Big Austen fan, and always on the look-out for transformative works dealing with her stories.

Doing all right in my part of the world, and glad to hear you are too :)


reetinkerbell August 12 2013, 12:39:46 UTC
I'm not sure how transformative it is, but I will probably share them all one of these days. At the moment, I have several in the works but only one or two which are completed (but not yet betaed) so I will have to get those done first! :)

I'm glad to hear it, considering what went on.



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