weLL 2day was pretty qay.. i woke up went 2 skooL and sat in i.s.a aLL day qreat eh. but yeah i qot in troubLe 4 sLeepinq stupid stuff! LoL but yeah thats about it i also qot it 2morrOw qreat fuck that im j. qoinq in pajamas LoL na.. mayb sum impOrtant persOn wiLL b there 2mOrrOw. but w.e yeah so then i went home then cried myself 2 sleep 4 a nap .. then woke up and went 2 red Lobster w. my famiLy samyoLes sister was or waitress =] shes so coOL LoL but yeah nOw im at hOme.. and yeah..this is whO i am.
You are LaFawnduh. Why are you so sweaty?
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla coOL eh?! weLL j. remember u qOtz 2 Love me..
<3 sPenCer
ur Like a druq u reaLive my pain ur like the bLood fLowin threw my veins u keep me aLive. =[