Mar 30, 2005 19:29
weLL 2day was tottaLy qay. 1rst bLock i sLept aqain and bLanca n eLLie say i snOre but i dn`t i just cOuLdn`t breathe LoL. then in 2nd Omq im sO effin` pissed i hate my teacher. she snatched my ceLL fOne away cuz i was textinq steven that LiL dOdO brain =/ then shes Like qO 2 the back im Like im nOt qunna dO ne wOrk back there newayz and shes Like Oo sO nOw ur not qunna dO wOrk bLah bLah and then she wrOte me a refuraL sayinq she toLd me 2 be quiet repeatedLy and i never heard her say it Once..n` then sOme buLLshit Like i said i was muLtitaskinq.. and she qOes Oh yeah chewinq qum and thinkinq i was like uh. sure.. and then she Liked freaKed Out! qOd wut a hoe.. then in 3rd we didn`t dO much either besides take a test.. qOd jadeya ur sO obsesed with brian stevens thatz sO freaKy cuz i Like a bOy named steven LoL! then w.e 4th bLock we aLsO had a test i tOttaLLy bOmbed that shit.. Ooh weLL and then me n` jadeya were crackin on each otha in a nOte n then this bOy whO sits next 2 me whO dOesn`t speak enqLish was like this is fOur u i mean he speLLt it four qOd Loser LoL newayz but yeah.? -n- aubwee that whoLe advice thinq tottaLLy wOrk`d =]
remember qOtta Love me.. Oh yeah cOmment u cn`t resist!
<3 sPenCiie