Apr 18, 2005 15:11
weLL yeah skOoL was Ok 1rst bLock aLL we reaLLy did was j. chiLL LoL me eLLie n' bLanca j. like taLked the whoLe time. i think we have a test 2morrOw im not reaLLy sure but Ooh weLL dn't nOe it newayz. then 2nd i j. painted my picassO//divinci wOrk it was totaLLy awesOme cuzin LoL every1 liked it at my tabLe =] then 3rd we had a sub totaL bitch sO i qOt kicked out cuz i was sinqin but like i have 2 sinq wen im bOred its j. me. sO yeah but i was Like frezzin my bOoty Off in the haLL n' i was in a skirt n' she wouLdn`t let me qet my sweater damn hOe but w.e then jOe came Out n' we taLked n' he warmed me up LoL he was reaLLy warm. he toLd me i was LittLe LoL. =] thats Ok but yah b4 3rd started i saw him in the haLL n' i ran 2 huq him infrOnt Of steven. =/ but yeah then in Lunch we sat at a new tabLe LoL n' j. taLked then went 2 my Locker. wut dOes sPencer have in there 2day. LoL saw qrace. wOw shes Like nOt even 1 hand can fit Over ur bOob Ooh weLL =] LoL then 4th i didn`t dress Out nOt my fauLt i didn`t have my uniform.. but we ran a miLe thank qOd i didn`t dress Out. n' yah then i j. Layed dOwn the whoLe time LoL then after that i went hOme On the bus. then Loqed On n' taLked 2 hunter (( 4rm napLes )) n' then he Left n' nOw im qettinq ready 2 qO 2 sum cOnsuLinq thinqiie. we wiLL c hOw that qoes..=]
weLL remember u qOtz 2 Love me
<3 sPenCer
ever have a quy friend u never thOuqht he was 4 u n' aLL Of a sudden u reaLize he'z the One u Like..?? weLL yeah.. sO cOnfused.