
Apr 14, 2005 12:48

wed*-weLL yeah 1rst bLock every1 was sLeepinq n' antOniO freakin screams 2 wake us up man i wanted 2 kick his ass. then 2nd bLock my "new" prOject came out sO purdy i was sO happy its super cooL i`LL have 2 take a picture. but yeah. but i qOt paint on my shirt a white shirt!! LoL sO yeah i had my mOm brinq me anOther shirt. =] but yeah then 3rd.i had 2 qo in the computer Lab 2 take a test. hOpefuLLy i did qOod *finqers crossed* yeah. n' then lunch was pretty qay. "what dOes sPencer have in her lOcker 2day?" LoL rite samyoLe qod everythinq revOLz around spencer n' her lOcker LoL =] then 4th was qay had a test hOpefuLLy i did qOod on that 2. =/ but yeah. weLL that was yesterday.

thuRs*-2day i wOke up qOt in the shower qot dressed n' went 2 the dentist. ah i qOt my braces =[ nO mOre mrs. smiLey 4 me. =/ but yeah then i qOt a frOstiie 4rm wendys n' nOw im hOme bOred. thinkinq if i wanna qO 2 the beach Or nOt n' tan. =] weLL yeah
remember qOtz 2 Love me.
<3 sPenciie.

*dO u beLieve in maqic. cuz the maqics in the music n' the music'z in me*

*pa pa pLease cOmment!*
Later On 2day- weLL i went 2 the beach. 4 2 hours by myseLf i Like feLL asLeep a coupLe of times cuz the music made me sLeepy LoL then at like 2:45 chicken came 2 the beach n' we went in the humOnqO waves! it was sO fun im Like ready qo under n' the waves wouLd Like drOwn us LoL =] but yeah. weLL nOw im fixin' 2 qo take a hot reLaxin bubbLe bath hehe sounds sOo refreshinq. sO yeah. =] im nOt qunna update ne mOre On this One i prOmise LoL
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