Dear sweet lord, what a vacation.

Feb 26, 2012 12:11

...if it can even be called that at all. I haven't ever cried this much on a vacation.

The flight here (via Alitalia) was turbulent as fuck for most of the flight; at one point during the flight the airplane was shaking so much that I thought we were gonna die. I was grasping my mother by her arm and crying copiously while she recited prayers loudly. I know it's totally ridiculous now, but it was the scariest moment of my life. God how I loathe turbulence.

Anyway, we finally made it somehow. Upon arrival in Bucharest, we realised that both of our suitcases were lost. We went home anyway since there was no hope of recovering them that day, without a change of clothes or anything. Once arrived at my apartment, I saw my grandma for the first time since last year. She's almost 83 years old and suffers from severe dementia, but I had no idea it was this bad. She hardly knew who I was; she hugged me and everything but kept asking me ridiculous questions about my mother-in-law (I'm unmarried) and how many children I had...and ugh...this is the woman who raised me and she honestly didn't recognise me. Ensue more crying. I bathed/cleansed, just threw on some random pajamas and went straight to bed. I slept 11 hours.

The next day I tried talking to her some more but she was still foggy on who I was. I showed her some old photos and tried reminding her of our last meeting but to little avail. She has moments sometimes in which she's mentally present, but most of the time she talks nonsense and is lost to the world. She's also lost control of certain bodily functions and...ugh... it's just so sad and it's almost like she's lost some of her dignity when compared to the woman she once was.

If I ever get that way, just give me a lethal injection, or an insulin overdose so I go into a coma and die. This isn't even life.

On top of all this bullshit, just being in Romania is enough to make one go insane. There's so much poverty here...and no laws. It's like a no-man's-land where only the fittest get by. America has softened me to the point where I would never be able to survive here. There's dogshit everywhere, and people are rude as fuck, and literally no one follows traffic laws, and young people barely have enough to eat and eke out a living each month but everyone wants an iPhone and Nike brand shoes. It's just like America but lawless and with more poverty, and everyone (even children) smokes indoors.

Disgusting and disappointing.

More to come later...
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