CAN'T...STOP...THE BANDWA... wait yeah I can

Jul 28, 2005 02:18

Damg. Today sucked in FFXI. Which is all I do pretty much because I'm crazy.

First I go out to get my AF Body, since I was 57 and it was 58. So I grab my Thieve's Tools and WHM sub and head out.

Castle Zhval Coffers suck. It's really annoying. So I eventually find it in like an hour of searching. Hit my lockpicking macro, "You failed to pick the lock." sneak wore, and the Ahriham by me starts his Fire III nuke. So Im like "Shit." and slam my lockpicking macro a bunch of times. I eventually see the opening animation and the message... "The chest is empty."

So the Ahriham finishes casting and hits me for 300+ with Fire III, I hit my Flee macro and head for the zone. Of course, I had no idea where the zone was, so I kinda ran around aimlessly picking up a ton of Ahrihams and Demons. Finally Flee wears and an eye casts Sleep on me, then I get barraged with Firaga II and Fire III and tons of Demon melee attacks, and I'm dead, and delevel to 56. :(

One thing didn't make sense... "The chest is empty."? I started cursing out in LS chat and my LS mates were confused too. So I go to scroll up to FRAPs the words and post it at the KI THF Forum, when I see just a few lines above it... "Obtained: Rogue's Vest."

I guess I hit my macro so fast that I tried another pick on it before the opening animation, or something. o.o But yeah, I got that and then got a PT invite shortly after to Cape Terrigan.

Of course, there's no way at all to pull in Terrigan unless youre pulling Pugs. And we weren't So a pug aggroed while i tried to find a crab and I die and my PT gets mad. So I suggest raptors in Kuftal and we go there. I die once again trying to find a camp (some of the s[piders there aggro... and some don't. bleh.) We finally geta camp at Phantom Worm spawn and start pulling.

1st raptor we do okay. Kinda. the NIN couldnt hold hate at all. I guess because he sucks. So I pull again when WHM has about 4/5 MP and... the NIN can't hold hate at all from the MNK, the SAM would for some reason not start the WS when I'm telling him to and using ll sorts of calls, and the WHM gets hate from so much healing. And hes dead. We finally, barely kill it and get the WHM a Raise 2 from a nearby PT.

blabla, 3rd raptor, NIN dies. 4th raptor, NIN randomly Mijin Gakures in the middle of the battle, resulting in us all wiping. My 4th death of the day. So then I logged out.

Damn that was long.

So anyway after that I got a ROM for a SNES game, Treausre of the Rudras. Its awesome. Its kinda like Final Fantasy, but awesomer. You basically think of names for your spells, and based on the letters used, or whatever, it generates a spell for it. RAPE is a cool void damage thing, PORNOGRAPHY is a team speed up that costs 26 MP (which is a lot, so itmust be awesome), and YTMND is an awesome lightning type attack that only hits one enemy, so I use it for bosses and it owns. And it turns out RAISE ressurects one of your party members. Who'd have thunk it?

And my new layout is awesome. I enjoy just staring at it for minutes at a time. Also, if you click on the "Tahome @ Last.FM" link on my LJ, you can get a stream of my playlist. It's pretty awesome.

tor, ffxi

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