Mar 15, 2007 18:13
The wisps and curls of smoke dance like ghosts.
The threads of cancerous carbon interweave like the stories of our lives.
The piles of ash grow with the time we spend together. Our kisses inversly prortional to the number of cloves sitting in the pack. The journeys up and down the coast we take from your room. our lives and homes hauntings and memories strewn about the california shores.
Under the crashing waves of passion, the swell of happiness lurks the dark and looming levaiathan that is your pain, your loss. and you become to me what you once had. A best friend. The one that will always be there. A strong feminine presence, strong and loving. But I won’t leave you like she did. I don’t want you to have to look at the moon and see the emptiness of that distance. I can’t let you be alone any more. I am here and I willl be, trying to make the world a little less dark, to banish the lonliness you carry. But I fight a foe I cant see, I can’t find. It flits about light and deadly as I lumber with my crude sorries. I can’t hold back the invisible arrows. But I can hold you and catch your tears. I say the only thing I can, “It will be alright.” but you ask me how, and there’s no cure, no cover. Just some how, somehow.
And when the smile returns like fog spilling over the hills, the waves over the rocks. Then all is peace and all is happiness on the surface. But I who study you see your broken beauty your flawed perfection. The little scratches that give you texture, that make your every curve music to my fingers.
I’m caught in your pull, am I spiraling to my doom, will I witness your supernova, colapsing into yourself from a void you can’t possibly fill, from one I can’t even begin to phathom? Or will we settle into a rotation like that of binary stars entranced by each others glow, to points of warmth in a cold world? And while we orbit take hold of planetary friends and find what we each are missing, you’ll find love and I’ll find companionship, discovering what our makers took from us or what we were never given.
We are both such lonely people. Diametrically alone. You hold them close while they slip away. While I keep people at a distance ready to drop and run. But I am so tired of running away and I have nowhere left to go. I felt you try to take hold, and I pushed away at first. I didn’t know what I wanted, trying to to remeber what was missing. But you persisted, Thank God you persisted. I was leaving but I could feel your call. I turned, I let you hold me. I never planned it this way. Its just the way it is. You hold me close and I stay. I settle, I put down roots, I feel the stillness in the chaos. We become the tree in the wind. We become the stone in the river.
I need us to grow together. Become the two old trees that are so intertwined that one can’t be distigished from the other, that are to dependant that they can’t be separated. I need us together to reach for the heavens. To catch just one star to hold it and and bask in the light that no one else can see. I need you now. And I want you to know that you will always have me to lean on, to be your roots your branches.
And I watch you smoke. I breathe in the poison. I grasp at the shadows of your haunting smiles and dry you lingering tears. I look on as you breathe fire like a dragon mistress. And when encompassed in you mythical wings, the wisps and curls of smoke dance like ghosts.