Nov 02, 2006 16:04
It seems that maybe a lot of you have gotten busy of late, because I have not gotten as many replies (tear!). First off I would like to reassure anyone who was worried that I didn't want to pay for the time to read your reply and then reply back to it myself. I now have free internet! YAY! Actually I'm technically suppose to pay like 46 euro for the whole eight weeks of computer lab use, but apparently there is never actually anyone here to check and make sure that we have the pass that costs 46 euro therefore there is no need to get one, and so I have not paid. Nor am I going to.
Yesterday was a holiday here in Germany, so we didn't have any school, which also meant the computer lab wasn't open, and that meant no email for me, which was really bad, because I am back to being super addicted to the interenet again. *sigh* oh well.
So let's start with story telling from Monday shall we? Let's see I watched the first four episodes of season one of Lost Monday night. It was pretty good. I can't really see how people get so completely addicted to it, but it was good. I will also say that I kind of dreamed about it, and then woke up thinking about it. So maybe it was better than I'm letting on. Or maybe I just watched too many episodes in a row.
Tuesday has nothing special to report, though I did remember Tuesday morning that something happened Monday in class that I should have written about. So Monday we were talking about different kinds of festivals and whatnot, and we got grouped together with people from our country and we had to describe a festival from our country that's typical. So shawn (this kid from Iowa) and me were together, and America doesn't really have the like one festival that we all celebrate, so we described Thanksgiving (obviously very American). And now I'm all sad that I won't be home for Thanksgiving! I wasn't home for last Thanksgiving either, but at least I was with my family (regardless of the fact that I found out why water parks in Hawaii aren't really known for their Thanksgiving dinners). Our teacher said that maybe we could go to the american base to celebrate, but that'd be useless since neither of us really knows anyone there, so we wouldn't be allowed in. And obviously making a Thanksgiving dinner is completely out of the question. So this will be the year of the lost Thanksgiving I suppose.
Well that's just about all that's happened between Monday and today. So I suppose now would be a good time to "introduce" you all to the people who I spend most of my time with.
First there's Angela. You've all met her. She's my roommate who told me last night I talk in my sleep (Abby and Elizabeth is this true? Why didn't you ever tell me?!). She's from Buffalo, New York. I don't really hang with her specifically it's really only when the whole group is together. She's been missing school the past couple of days cause she just decided to skip. Prolly not a very good idea. She'll be here until August, and then she has a job lined up already in Stuttgard I believe. She'll be a nanny there for about a year, and then she'll work in a daycare for the same family.
Then there's Shawn. He's from Iowa like I previously mentioned. I've decided today that he really gets on my nerves because he always complains! I mean my goodness can't you find one thing that's good about the German class? But no! Class is too boring or the teacher speaks too much English. Okay saying like ten words in English over the course of three and an half hours is not too much! Especially when it's usually because I didn't understand the word, and I'm also not understanding the explanation they're giving me! And the class is too boring? Come on! Have you been in a foreign language class before, because it's kind of typical of a class like that. And maybe if you participated a little more, it wouldn't be so boring!! Okay had to get my frustration out about that one. There are other complaints of his, but those are the ones that get on my nerves the most.
Next there's Aaron. Actually I don't hang out with him all that much, but he's from New Hampshire? I think? One of those New England states, and I'm mentioning the Americans first. Not that I'm biased or anything. So anyway Aaron has already graduated with his BA and is learning German now so that he can get into a Masters programm that he wants to get into. So he'll be here the whole year. Or at least until May I think. He plays guitar really well, and taught me how to play a card game everyone plays here last night.
Next nationality is Mexican! Pedro is 27 I believe, but has a birthday next Wednesday? Not really sure why he's learning German, but I believe he'll also be here the whole year. He's really nice, and it's funny because he keeps saying he's going to call immigration on Shawn. Apparently if you live in Germany for longer than two months you have to fill out this certain paperwork, and Shawn refuses to do it for various reasons, so technically he's here illegally, and Pedro says that he'll call immigration on Shawn so that Shawn knows what it's like for Pedros people in America.
Next up is Swiss Italian. Jacamo (seriously don't know how to spell his name) is from the Italian speaking part of Switzerland. He has horrible grammar apparently in German, English, and Italian. And he's the owner of the PS2 that plays region 2 DVDs. So we've been watching Lost in his room (including the 3.5 episodes we watched last night that I forgot to mention earlier).
Valentina, Illaria (sp?), and Carmilla are also all Swiss Italian. I don't really know that much about them, because they're only in my class and don't hang out with us in the buidling, but they're nice. Valentina's German is the best, and she prolly speaks the best German out of anyone in our class and Carmilla's German is the worst. Perhaps she should be in the class below us.
Camilla is from Sweden. She sits next to me in class, speaks really good German and English (especially considering she's only taken two years of German) and is really nice. I have to say that she's prolly my favorite out of all the people I've met here. She's only 19 and is a gymnast. Apparently she one some national gymnastics competition in Sweden.
Ida is also from Sweden. She's another one of my favorites because she's really nice. She's in the class above me, so I only get to hang out with her outside of class, and I don't really know that much about her. I just know she's 18 and from Sweden basically.
Lina is from Sweden. I know pretty much nothing about her except she's really quiet, she has a boyfriend, and she walks fast. But then again, it's a running joke that all the swedish girls walk really fast. They have a tendency to hang out with just each other a lot.
Tiffany is a girl from Hong Kong, but she speaks English with an American accent, so you'd never know it. She's really tall, pretty nice, and only 18. I think she'll be here for the whole year.
All in all, I don't really hang out with any specific people. I just kind of head out to the common room when I feel like it, and whoever's there is who I talk to. I don't really fit in with any specific group, and while I have a tendency to gravitate to wherever the Americans are, I don't really prefer to hang out with them. It's just that the other groups have a tendency to talk in their native languge, and that means I don't know what the heck is going on around them. I guess that's all for now. You guys prolly won't even be able to keep all the people straight anyway (at least I know I wouldn't upon first read).