Oh. My god. I haven't stopped shrieking on the inside since Dream!Logan kissed Dream!Veronica. I think it's clear by now that Veronica's never going to give up that fairy tale fantasy, that she's just hopelessly girly-romantic in some ways. This was enormously frustrating when Duncan was in the picture, but while it explains why she reacted so strongly to the fortune cookie thing, it also explains why she picked up on "epic" from Logan right away. It's something that's always felt wrong or out of character for her, but I think I'm starting to like that she can keep this innocent part of her even when - or despite the fact that - life has screwed her over so many times. Also? KB in the dream sequence = so amazing. She was Veronica 1.0 all grown up, and still, Veronica whatever-version-she-is-now at the same time. And BFFless Wallace! Awwwwwww.
But back to the shippiness now. I've always wanted them to have an angsty, angry relationship (because, hot) but I can settle for fluffy and sweet. And trying for normal through all the dysfunction. I feel cheated (again) that we didn't get to see them officially get back together, though. But! The hugging! And him talking her out of killing him! And! Was he making her breakfast in the morning? And the holding on the couch! ::dies from squee::
Keith. Bah, I could've told you it was a bad idea to get on that plane. Didn't think he'd actually die, though that could've been interesting. Best part about it = aforementioned hugging. There is not enough squee in the world.
My heart broke into a million pieces when they took Weevil away. Poor, poor Weevil's grandmother. But seriously, the only reason for Lamb to make such a big fuss over one missing biker (not even known to be dead) when we know Weevil has "taken care of" his boys in ways outside of the law before, is cause he's a magnificent bastard.
Aaron. If I'd been in that elevator, I would've broken that bottle over his head and shoved it in his face. Now that he's dead, let's forget 2x21 ever happened. Seriously. Also, Duncan gets 100 bonus donuts for taking care of it. For Lilly. And let's say 100 more for being in the episode without actually going back to Neptune.
Speaking of redemption. Jackie. She mentioned learning about sex ed the hard way, so the kid wasn't so much a surprise, but her secret life was a nice twist. I like that she was so desperate to keep it a secret that she left her experience off her resume even when she really needed a job. It's very… noir. And, really nice scene with her and Wallace. She's officially redeemed in my eyes. I might not even mind seeing her next year.
Mac. Ow. Owwwwww. For one wild second, when I saw her huddled in the room, I thought that she'd actually seen Beaver fall. But no. Turns out he just, like, broke her heart. This show knows how to bring on the pain. And it's not the murder mysteries and the life and death drama that does it, it's just the most banal thing possible. I couldn't help thinking about Buffy's "Innocence," because, totally the same thing. And I compare because I love.
Which brings us to the Beav. Whyyyy!! ::tears hair, rends clothing::
This theory was tossed around a lot, but I didn't think they could actually pull it off. Beaver as a sociopath? Explains a lot, albeit in a lazy storytelling "gotcha" way, but it still works. Mainly because of the twists. Like the chlamydia! SO did not see that coming. I assumed, as I think did most people, Veronica-Duncan-Meg-Lucky-Woody. I guess we're supposed to assume Beaver got it as a kid and didn't know about it...? And I guess it's a good thing Veronica is getting back her I-was-raped anger, if this is a storyline they're going to pursue in S3. WHEN it happens.
-I'm dissapointed that he wasn't actually trying to set up Kendall. Although, based on the cliffhanger, I guess we don't know for sure what's going on there.
-So, if he really is a nutjob sociopath, is that why he ratted out Logan last year? Cause it's clearly not his commitment to law and justice. If some kind of retcon-wankery can be made to explain this, I want it.
-Veronica should know waaay better than to tip her hand via TEXT MESSAGE. I highly doubt Beaver was actually going to KILL Mac. But I guess we don't know. But then, why the whole "performance" issues act? If it was an act.
-Beaver dropping off that roof = the best moment of the whole season. Well, best non-shippy moment.
Other random stuff
-what was the Mannings' interest in Woody?
-I hope we see Dick next year.
So. I liked it. And I really, really need to rewatch, but I have work related stuff to finish first even though I totally can't concentrate anymore and tomorrow is going to suck. Bah.