Nov 04, 2010 21:36
So, I had an... interesting experience this evening.
As I was driving home, I noticed the lights in my rear view mirror doing something weird.
I focused on that for a second, and I saw that the vehicle behind the vehicle behind me was swerving around. Within a second, the swerving vehicle, which I believe was some sort of SUV or truck, swerved into the carpool lane (we were all in the #1 lane) then swerved back and hit the guy who was behind me, causing one or both of them to spin out of control. I heard faint a screech of tires and no horn, and the accident was quickly swallowed up by traffic behind me.
I I was a little shocked and somewhat rattled, but my first though after "Oh my god!" was should I call 911? should I call in the accident to the news radio station I get traffic reports from?
What I settled on was that it would be unsafe for me to try to call anyone, as we were all going > 60mph and it would be unsafe for me to do so. In hind sight, the people behind those involved in the accident were going to have to stop and likely would report the accident while they waited, as I imagine the two cars probably blocked two or three lanes by the time they came to a stop.
Also, I saw an honest to goodness Datsun Pickup truck on the road today. The license plate was an early enough number that it's likely an actual Datsun and not a Nissan that was repainted to carry the older name.