The saga begins...

Aug 16, 2006 00:08

"The difference is my flaws are personal. Yours are professional."

Tonight officially kicked off orientation. There was a pre-orientation thing at school and I decided to go because one of my professors was supposed to present something. He didn't. Instead this really awesome professor who I hope to have next year presented on "understanding and surviving" the law school experience. Some of the information was really intersting but other parts I didn't feel applied to me. First Professor Douglass talked about law school in general and then came the students. First was the married couple with an 11-day old baby. You could see some of the married couples paying particular attention here. It was cute that Tiffany (another entering 1L) was taking notes and she ended up going over them with her husband over dinner since he missed the presentation (he was stuck in traffic coming down from DC and missed the entire thing). Then was the couple who have been dating for three years and he moved down here with her for her to go to school. And then there was the mother-daughter where the daughter was living at home during school.

Overall, it may have help some valuable information but I think that this was more a session for the families of law students than the actual students themselves. But orientation officially starts tomorrow. And I think its a long day. I should go re-read an article although I don't think I have to discuss it until Thursday. Oh well, I'll try and get a jump on that since I don't seem to be getting any more cleaning done.
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