6 % of the World

Jun 28, 2006 23:20

Unbelieveable. I've been to 6 % of the world. Great, isn't it?

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Even though I've never been to another continent than europe, but who cares?

My List:
Austria -> holiday an trip with our choir
Belgium -> day trip when we stayed in the Netherlands
Czech Republic -> more than once for holiday or once even choir
Denmark -> holiday
France -> more than once for holiday, third best holiday so far
Germany -> wonder wonder
Greece -> Kreta, second best holiday so far
Hungary -> choir trip & holiday day trip
Luxembourg -> choir trip
Netherlands -> holiday
Poland -> day trips
Slovakia -> holiday
Spain -> day trip from france holiday
Switzerland -> just flew over it :D
United Kingdom -> LONDON! Best holiday so far!!! I saw Josh Jackson live!!! How could it be any better?

Yeah cool idea of beckilein. ^^

What's else on the agenda? Oh yeah. The game between Spain and France. I was for France. The only problem was: the latest ER episodes aired the same time when they played... So I had to make a decision between ER and the game. I made it in the first break of ER, when I watched the game. In this little amount of time there was a corner for spain which wasn't a good one. But Thuram fouled one of the players of Spain and they were given the penalty shoot and one player of Spain made 1-0. I decided against the game. My motto was: "When I don't watch they are going to win." And I didn't watch for the rest of the game... I just zapped there for some seconds to know how they are doing :) Perfect ^^

After the game I talked to Fine just to inform her that the second half finale will be a hell of a half finale... When my dreams come true both England and France win their upcoming matches and are going to have a cool fight. :) So everybody send both of the teams good thoughts and everything will be allright :)

- hopeful

*meme, *life, sport: football

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