Yeah, just wanted to let you know about my latest obsession... MIRANDAI totally blame both Miranda Hart and Tom Ellis... Mostly Miranda Hart, since it's HER show and she's the main character. But still... Tom Ellis... Nomnomnom
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OMFG I LOVE MIRANDA!!! I started watching during the first season last year and was SO excited when a second season was announced. I just ADORE Miranda Hart, she's such a talented women!
GARY = POO POO HEAD! I'm hoping, nay PRAYING that next episode he sees the folly of his ways, gets all jealous of Miranda and vows to woo her back... at least he better!
Totally joined your community! Yes, please, yes, very much, please yes! *HUG*
MORE MORE MOOOOOOOOOOOOORE! Pwease? And then maybe you could share them with us super untalented people who can barely turn the computer on?! *Big puppy dog eyes*
GARY = POO POO HEAD! I'm hoping, nay PRAYING that next episode he sees the folly of his ways, gets all jealous of Miranda and vows to woo her back... at least he better!
Totally joined your community! Yes, please, yes, very much, please yes! *HUG*
(It's so hard to get hold of some decent spoilers for this show... Ridiculous - now that I want to spoil myself again)
I love Miranda!
Just received the DVD at work :) YEAH!
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