Deathly Hallows - Part 1

Nov 21, 2010 01:50

Am I weird to say, that I only really liked the only movie which didn't featured a single minute of Hogwarts? xD

God, just got out of the movie. SOOO MUCH LOVE!!!!

Wanna see it again! Like now. Please? Anyone with me? :D

The only scene I hated was the *random*dancing scene of Harry and Hermione. URGH! Totally pointless. But Mr. Kloves needed his scene. The stupid kiss looked more like fanart and was therefor ok-ish. Can't remember them being animated naked though in the book. But who cares. RUPERT KICKED ASS!!!111 God, I loved this scene. So cute... "I seen your heart and it is mine! I seen your fears... *spiders crawl out*" N'awwww!

And - Let me complain about one more scene - THEY FUCKING CUT OUT THE DANCING SCENE OF RON & HERMIONE!!!!!!! I so looked forward to that -.-'

Things I loved:
- Animated story of the 3 Brothers <3
- so many book quotes :) (Holey, geddit? xD)
- UMBRIDGE!!! (yes, I'm probably the only person in the world who loves her)
- Hermione & Ron cuteness (yes, every freaking scene - they finally had some ^^)
- Ron actually got to do important stuff! (YEAH! GO RON!) I mean, he didn't really had anything to do in the last 3 movies.... Except looking hot and that's about it.
- Kreacher & Dobby! Yeah!
- Grindelwald looking hot ^^
- George and his ear - disturbing Harry & Ginny ^^
- Apocalyptic camping scenes. Wow.
- Lack of music. Or just little use of music. AWESOME!!!
- Jason Isaacs looking hot.
- Great way to end an awesome movie.

Can't it be July already?

*Totally unrelated personal stuff*
They are closing our Rock Band bar!!!!! *sad*

movies: review, *life, harry potter

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