Rule #1 - DO NOT take the display shoe off of the wall, toss it on the floor and proceed to put your foot in it. The chances of it being your size are slim. Even if it IS your size, that is in no way the purpose of the display shoe. You are DAMAGING a shoe that costs upwards of $100 and you don't intend to buy it. Fuck off.
Rule #2 - If you are, in fact, one of those people who tries on display shoes, DO NOT complain when that's the only one I have left in your size. NEWS FLASH: If people like you didn't stick their big feet in the damn display shoes all the time, there would be no problem with them! I will not even consider giving your ass a discount because you are a hipocritical douchebag.
Rule #3 - DO NOT ask for discounts if they are not warranted. I understand the half-joking, "Any deal if I buy two pairs?" Or even seriously asking if they're on sale and being disappointed when they're not. But don't ask if I can give you money off for no reason ("No discounts for foreigners?" "These are pretty expensive, there's no way I could get money off?" etc)- and that includes retarded reasons like the microscopic discoloration on the shoe lace.
Rule #4 - DO NOT ask a salesperson to get you a shoe, then ask for another one when they're brought out the first, then ask for another one after they've brought out the second... etc etc. It's damn annoying. I can see it happening once, but generally speaking, ask for everything you want to see the first time. We hate you if you send us back and forth a thousand times.
Rule #5 - DO NOT take shoes off the wall and make a pile of what you like. I'm going to have to put that back and, contrary to popular belief, I do have a whole lot of other crap to do at work.
Rule #6 - If, at the register, the salesperson asks you for a name/address/email/phone number, etc, DO NOT get pissy. I'm not asking because I want to stalk you or because I care where you live or even what your name is, for God's sake. I'm asking you because it's company policy and if I don't, I get reprimanded. If you'd rather not give your info, just politely say, "I'd really rather not give that out if possible." More often than not I'll just say okay and skip it. If I tell you that I need the information in order to do a return, don't keep asking why and getting angry at me. Repeat after me: COMPANY POLICY.
Rule #7 - This is key. If the mall closes at 10, DO NOT walk into a store at 9:50 and start shopping. Poking around is one thing, but expecting to try on 5 pairs of shoes and take your time deciding on one (or deciding not to get anything at all) is just wrong. We have had long days and it does not end when the doors close. We won't be leaving the store for another 45 minutes at least. Make our lives easier and shop during normal hours. you'll be helping yourself out, too, since if it's been a long day and you're being an ass right before close, we might "not have" your size.
Work today was a little rough.