Oct 06, 2006 10:41
Mwhahah... 6 days untli Lee flies in. A plane flight that I'm not exactly excited for is mom's. She comes back tomorow. I had a blast though. This week has been great. We watched Open Season, went to the book store, played with the ducks and the fish, I was able to draw with Sarah, etc. It was fantastic. Not to mention music! Oh, it's heavenly. Big Red doesn't have a tape deck so I'm forced to stirctly radio (Im not willing to put out the money for the 12-volt adapter speaker music things) which was alight. There's two stations that I found. But.. they're still not really my thing. In fact, i had been listenning to them for so long that I was begining to forget that. And the second day home I found the Sirius Christian Rock and it took me back. Krystal Meyers-Anticonformity, Kids in the Way-Apparations of Melody, Skillet-Best Kept Seceret, Underoath and some other new stuff. I relized how long I'd been out of the loop with that sort of thin. Oh, it is oh so good to listen to that sort of stuff again. But I'll have to give it up once i go back to work. Along with my reading and drawing... Dash it. Oh well, it was great while it lasted. :)