Because these are fun. :-)
LOL..I'm Gummy bears? Mmm..I like gummy
Gummy Bears
You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.
What Kind of Candy Are You? LOL...interesting..I'm not average American because I don't drink? LOL!
You Are 30% "Average American"
You are average because you wouldn't pay to go in space.
You are not average since you don't drink.
How "Average American" Are You? Hmm.. No comment..I plead the 5th to this Inner Child
Your Inner Child Is Angry
You're not an angry person.
But when you don't get your way, watch out.
Like a very manipulative kid, you will get what you want.
Even if it takes a little kicking and screaming.
How Is Your Inner Child?