So, I spent the last 36 hours or so crawling through
mass_hipgnosis's rec lists, both stuff she's written and stuff she bookmarked over at delicious. And now, in addition to all sorts of Big-Bang-related fics in multiple fandoms, I have, like, 30 new stories waiting for me to read them. You ever play that Wikipedia game, where you start out on one topic, and then give yourself a time limit, and see how far you've strayed from the topic by the time the limit's up? No? Just me? Hmmm....well, ok. But, now that you know the rules, making my way through her rec lists was an experience not unsimilar to that game. All sorts of new authors and stories and just general things-I-have-not-encountered-yet. I don't know when I'll find time to read it all. Urgh - life, it is so busy..... ;-)
The reason I was puttering around
mass_hipgnosis's delicious account for so many hours, was because I'd started out our association by podficcing one of her stories (yes, most everything posted here is gonna come back to podfic somehow...) I'd found in a non-livejournal-ian archive, and then stumbling upon her actual lj page complete with lists after the fact. It was a lovely moment, truly.
Annnnnyway, the podfic. Because that's what we're all here for anyway. The story is titled i saw the moon go black (i felt my heart collapse), and can be found
here or
here. It's a second-person POV, not something I have a great deal of familiarity podficcing or even reading, but somehow it's just fantastic. Lots of times, people are all, "Second Person POV! Oh, my eyes! They burn!", but not with this story. Well, not unless Antichrist!Sam gets to them first.... Antichrist!Sam is one of my favorite Supernatural AUs, and this one's very much why I think Sam would be so good at the Antichristing - 'cause he's trying to keep/save/fix/find/help Dean. And, ok, we all know that with the advent of the last two seasons, this fic has been quite thoroughly made AU, but we also all know that the newest season is kinda verging on suckish right now, so AUs are totally the way to go! Also, it's about 90% porn, and porn is generally a good thing. Yay for naked boys! Go on, you know you wanna listen:
get it here, thanks to
paraka's webhosting. Or, you can
get it here on the Audiofic Archive.
[As an aside: I originally put together two different intro-music segments for this fic. The first song I'd picked was "Satellite Heart", by Anya Marina. Those lyrics seemed to really fit the dynamic between Sam and Dean in the fic, but the song itself was too....mellow, I guess, to really fit the tone of the story completely. I ultimately decided on "Solar Midnite", by Lupe Fiasco, as my intro music - it, too, fit the Sam-n-Dean dynamic, but the song itself is edgier and more in tune with how I had read the story. In case anyone was wondering.]