AMP12: Day 39 (belated)

Apr 25, 2012 19:03

Saving And Being Saved, written by gala_apples

Bandom meets Ender's Game, with the My Chemical Romance boys as students of Battle School.  It's full of all the things that made Ender's Game my favorite book all through eighth grade, and since they've leaked some pics from the upcoming movie I thought it was appropriate (don't ask me if I'm more excited or anxious about the upcoming movie - I haven't decided for myself, yet). Plus, it's not a fusion but a crossover - Carn Carby, Petra, and Colonel Graff show up in the story, too. I just wish Hot Soup had made an appearance… If I had to draw parallels, though, I might say that Mikey has a bit of a Valentine vibe going on (wants to be with/support his brother), and Frank had a Bean feel to him (well, the part about him bouncing off walls reminded me of Bean's  special 'toon). I can't decided if Gerard has Ender characteristics (he wants to save the world, and he wants to talk to the Buggers), or if I'm just plugging him in there because he's the frontman. Take a listen, tell me what you think? (And yeah, I know that the cover's pretty busy... I just kind of threw as many elements of the story as possible on there, and kept what stuck. Whatever, I like how the edge of the Battle School crest forms Frank and Mikey's shoulders.)

You can download this podfic as an mp3 over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!), or stream the story by clicking below:

Carrying A Concealed Weapon (and other crimes to commit while being Adora Belle Dearheart), written by netgirl_y2k

A Discworld story! I haven't podficced a Discworld story in a while, and this one's a great one…. As usual, Adora Belle is cantankerous (she gets on well with swamp dragons - they think she smells like home), and Lady Sybil is frighteningly competent (especially in the front lobby of the City Watch House), and Constable Dorfl has an excellent crowd dispersal technique, and Wizarding Students are protesting for a free education (unless you're visiting The Pink Pussycat Club, then you have to pay), and Lord Ventinari discovers the benefits of tax rebates for educational institutions, and Commander Vimes is ultimately exasperated.

Plus, there's footnotes! (Let me know if the Footnote Filter is enough of an auditory distinction for you? Apparently, when I try to read in Tiny Letters, it sounds just the same as Full-Size Letters…)

You can download this podfic as an mp3 over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!), or stream the story by clicking below:

Happy listening! Don't forget to tell the authors how awesome they are <3

amp 2012, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, fandom: discworld, fandom: ender's game, fandom: scruffy bandboys love each other

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