So, I haven't had a yarn post in forever, which is partly becaue I keep bouncing from half-finshed project to half-finished project without actually finishing anything, and partly because I cannot seem to find any of the boxes that actually had yarn in them when we moved, and partly because this whole school thing has left me with much less free time (and what free time I do have, I tend to devote to podfic. It would probably be a problem, except that I really like podficcing...)
But, today is a gorgeous day outside (70 degrees! Hooray for springtime!), and I had Middlest Sis, V, and Littlest Sis round up as many of the crocheted toys I'd made for them in the past as theey could possibly find last night (there was a lot of opening random boxes in the basement), and now I have tihngs to show you! Keep in mind, all of the following were made between 2009-2011 - I've gotten better since then, really!
SparkleBunny (The very first amigurumi I ever made! His yarn has glitter in it, and is very fuzzy. Based off
this pattern, but...well, when you work with chenille yarn and try to make a sport-weight pattern, and also haven't actually figured out how to count stitches....the end product doesn't always look like it's supposed to. On the other hand, he won me $5.00 in a craft fair once, so....*shrug* Littlest Sister thinks he's pretty awesome.)
Trevelyan (Yes, he IS named after a Dropkick Murphys lyric, why do you ask? Made for V, he was also supposed to be much smaller than he turned out. Also, he originally had terrible posture - too much yarn, not enough stuffing - so later on in his life, Trevelyan grew a spine by way of a chopstick shoved through his head and into his torso. It keeps his head up, now! Also, he's pretty tall - there's a photo of him posing with a ruler, for scale.)
Don't Remember This One's Name But I'm Pretty Sure It's A Lake In Iceland (We'd seen pictures of the hotsprings over there in geology class (during my short stint as an Environmental Science major), and it stuck with me. Obviously not stuck enough, but still. He's a plesiosaur - not anatomically correct - made from handspun, hand-dyed, wool yarn. That stuff was so pretty, but wicked expensive and also itchy.)
Doesn't Have A Name (made for Middlest Sis, this dragon and the above plesiosaur were originally made from the same pattern - you can see it in their faces. With him, I stayed mostly with the pattern and added spikes (instead of flippers). From the front, he kind of looks like a camel...)
Seriously, What IS This? (Made for E after she got into her first fender-bender. She was freaking out, more shook up by the fact that it happened at all than by any damage done in the accident, and so I whipped this guy up in about 2 hours so she'd have something soft and cozy to hug. His arms are PERFECT for hugging. Plus, embroidery is not my strongest suit - it's fucking HARD to embroider on crocheted chenille, did you know? - but he's got a little heart on his leg to make her smile.)
The Little Deer (made from a pattern in
this book - which, seriously, BEST AMIGURUMI PATTERN BOOK EVER, they're all so ADORABLE - this little deer got commanDEERed by Middlest Sis because she thought he was cute. Honestly, he might actually be my most favorite of all my amis - I love the way that the Caron SimplySoft crocheted up so tightly, and also the colorway was just gorgeous. Plus, spots!)
Flower (Surprisingly, this bigger deer has an actual name. Same pattern as The Little Deer, but with no tail - Littlest Sis didn't want one? She's weird like that. Flower's got more gawky/more spindly/more articulated legs - kind of like a real fawn. Also her eyes are a bit more detailed. She's made from worsted-weight Caron SuperSaver acrylic yarn and a larger hook than The Little Deer, but the exact same pattern/stitch count - see what a difference hook size can make?)
Stegosaurus (This is not an anatomically correct stegosaurus. For one thing, there's only one row of back plates - I ran out of that color yarn. For another, I'm pretty sure real stegosaurs were not actually furry. But it's a really SOFT fur, so that's okay. Look, he's even got tail spikes! And I'm not sure if you can see it in the picture, but his mouth opens. Made without a pattern for E, Christmas 2010.)
Cinnamon (This little guy was made for V, the first summer she went to sleepaway camp. She didn't want to bring her doll with her - what if she got dirty? - so I made her a triceratops instead. The tail's a little bit too long for the body, proportionally, but she likes it anyway. I'm pretty sure V's cabinmates actually named this guy. Another chenille yarn creation, made using
this pattern, Cinnamon has a tendency to leave fibers on dark pants.)
Jessica (Made for Littles Sis, from
this pattern. She has thumbs! For the longest time, Jessica didn't have any eyes. I'd originally wanted to use those plastic eyes on posts, but forgot to put them in while I was still crocheting that section of her head. And buttons are bumpy/not cozy for the night before I gave Littlest Sis her doll, I grabbed some yarn and embroidered closed eyes because they required the least skill. Also, originally Jessica had a super-adorable navy pleated crochet skirt, with little anchor buttons holding it closed. However, the general consesus is that the skirt didn't make the move with us. Boo.)
And, the grand finale!
All pictures were taken using my cellphone camera. If things are blury, that's probably why. Photos weer taken in the living room the bathroom, the kitchen, and the front yard (in case you were wondering).