AMP 2011: Day 72
So, today I was trying on bathing suits. It was a fun time - E was there, and we were both fooling around and having a great time shopping. For all that she's been home for two weeks now, we really haven't spent much time at all together, and it was excellent being able to fall back into our old habits of banter, mockery, movie quotes,poorly-insinuated innuendo, and general sisterly camraderie. And, since I spent several hours today trying on bathing suits and various other summer sundries (I got a new par of shorts! They're quite adorable, and they make my butt look fantastic!), it's only appropriate that tonight's podfic reflect that.
Tonight's entry for
amplificathon is:
The Great Bikini Incident (The Key to Time Remix). Written by
doyle_sb4 for
remixredux08, this fic is a remix of
The Great Bikini Incident by
booster17 (which you should also read, but it's not essential to understanding this story). Anyway, it's a crossover story between post-season seven Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and series one New Who - the Ninth Doctor, Rose, and Captain Jack have a run-in with Dawn Summers in Rome, and Dawn spends much of the story in her bikini thanks to Jack's wrist-strap defabricator. Plus, the Doctor has a few crazy theories about electricity, and Dawn's Keyness is called into question, and Jack ultimately picks up a new nickname by the end of the story. It's all very fun, and
doyle_sb4 does a great job of capturing the snappy dialogue that's characteristic of both shows, and even though I don't do accents, I'm still pretty sure you'll enjoy the ten minutes you spend listening to me read.
Y/Y? Good.
Download the mp3 here, and don't forget to leave
doyle_sb4 some feedback! It's a great feeling to see an author as talented as this one on the BP list, so I fully plan to come back and record more at a later date.