AMP 2011: Day 63
Only two weeks left of
amplificathon! It's just gone by so fast, you know? Though I've gotta say, the pace has been intense - and, if I don't place in the top three by the end of this thing, I may very well scream. But, that's me. You're here for podficular auditory delights! Here we go, three Smallville podfics for you to enjoy:
First up is
Linger, written by
rageprufrock. In this 6-minute podficlet, we learn that Old Married Couple sex (established-relationship sex) is still lovely and hot - or at least, it is when the participants are Lex and Clark ;-D
Download the mp3 of this porny podficlet here. Enjoy!
Second to bat is
Frantic: Or, The Day There Were No Porkchops, written by
seperis. We've got another post-series fic, where Lex and Clark have been friendly adversaries for the last fifteen years or so, and have been re-united in an attempt to outrun an omivorous, semi-sentient, green... Goo. Yup - escaping Death By Goo: use it to forge strong bonds between enemies, reveal falsehoods and secret identities, and discover secret Mad Scientist Lairs! And then there's the obligatory kryptonite-based lasers, and the strange blue liquor, and the super-sexy possibly-induced-by-asphyxisation-and-hallucinations finally-gonna-resolve-that-decades-old-UST fornication. And some flying. But, it all ends happily for everyone, mostly - yes, they survive; no, Clark doesn't get any porkchops for dinner tonight.
Download the mp3 here. Happy listening!
And lastly, may I present:
Son of the Goo (scroll down to the end, for text), written by
svmadelyn. The sequel to Frantic, Son of the Goo shows us what happens as Clark and Lex continue their re-getting-to-know-you romance....and what happened to the sinister semi-sentient Goo that set them on that path. The end? Both chilling and supremely funny!
Download the mp3 here. And beware the Goo....
So, that's that. Stay tuned for four more days of porn...dun dun dun....