May 24, 2011 17:20
Okay, so I had an hour of free time today, right? And immediately my first thought was, "I know what I'll do - I'll record some podfic!" because that's where my brain is right now. Not, I'll go get an iced coffee, or I'll go finish that job application, but I'll record podfic. My brain's a one-track place these days...
So anyway. I'm reading and reading and get 45 minutes of storytime recorded, and I'm all pleased with myself. So I save the project, and figure, "I'll transfer the whole thing to iTunes later - that takes an annoying amount of time, and I don't want to sit around waiting right now."
So, right about now (a few hours after my free time), I'm making mp3 versions of all the little bits of podfic that I recorded today, right? And what do I realize? I realize that The Insidious Buzzing Of Doom And Aggravation is back! Running through every single recording I made, at the same ear-jarringly-annoying low buzz as that decibel experiment they ran on MythBusters (the one where they were trying to see if certain sounds could make you dizzy or poop your pants). ARGH.
And it's not even like I'm going to have time tomorrow to rerecord the whole thing, because the moving van people are coming to give us an estimate, and who knows how long that's going to take!??!
On the other hand, I'm going to see Pirates 4 tonight. So, there's a Johnny-Depp-shaped bright spot at the end of the day, at least....
irritating techie shit