"You cannot take out your opponent's eye with your stick. Nor can you bite her...."

Apr 22, 2011 23:44

 AMP 2011: Day 19

I had this great big amazing post planned out, about My Day In The Big City, and also My Earth Day At The Zoo, complete with adorable videos of polar bears swimming and playing ball, and grizzly bears walking around, and photographs of giraffes and peacocks and butterflies, and snarky comments about PopTarts. However, SAFARI HAS CRAPPED OUT ON MY THREE TIMES IN THE LAST TWELVE MINUTES.

So, I suppose I'll have to post all the Cuddly Animal Photos tomorrow, when I'm less pissed at the internet.

And, for the Obligatory Amplificathon 2011 Post of the evening, I present to you: two SGA podficlets! Both written by thingswithwings, Things To Do In Pegasus contains spoilers for all of Season One (but they're very funny spoilers, so that's alright), and Mutually Exclusive has one of my favorite descriptions of a trade mission to ever exist in fanfic (i.e., the entire first paragraph of the fic). However, I'm far too Grr! Argh! *claws her eyes out in frustration* to really write the appropriately glowing review both these ficlets deserve. thingswithwings writes some really amazing things; you might recall that I recc'ed her fic, Synthesis, with glowing colors and flaily glee during ampliRECathon, a few months ago, so feel free to carry over my enthusiasm there and apply it to these two podficlets.

Download the mp3 of Things To Do In Pegasus here.
 Download the mp3 of Mutually Exclusive here.

I'm sure I'll write a better/happier/peppier/less-likely-to-strangle-the-keyboard post tomorrow. Good night.

amp 2011, other people's fanfic, podfic, fandom: sga, irritating techie shit

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