"I’m mostly human. Used to be a slayer. Now, not so much."

Apr 08, 2011 21:35

 AMP 2011: Day 5

It's pretty much a given that pprfaith writes all kinds of amazing stuff. Her crossover stories in particular are impressive, intriguing, and engaging. Some of my favorite crossovers that she's written include Buffy on Atlantis, Buffy at Hogwarts, Buffy in Salem... and now Buffy at Fangtasia! Run (and it's coda) is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover with Charlaine Harris's Southern Vampire Mysteries - better known to HBO viewers as the inspiration for the show True Blood.

Here's what you need to know about Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy is the Slayer (the one girl in all the world with the strength and skill to fight the vampires). Traditionally, she fights and dies alone, and another Slayer will be Called upon her death. However, Buffy is anything but traditional.

Here's what you need to know about the Southern Vampire Mysteries series: some time in the near future, a synthetic blood substitute is developed, which leads to vampires coming out of the coffin - and into the public eye. They have rights, and lobbyists, and groupies (Fangbangers).

In Run, pprfaith takes Buffy canon and goes AU from the episode Earshot - the one where Buffy gets accidental telepathy from that mouthless demon. Actually, that's one of my personal favorite episodes (along with Once More With Feeling, and Tabula Rasa, and School Hard, and Something Blue). Anyway, Buffy ends up irrevocably changed by the events of Earshot, and has to run for her life. In comes Eric the Northman (a real live undead Viking, courtesy of the SVM 'verse), blade swinging. There's some getting-to-know-you banter via telepathy, and then some violence, and then Buffy's new life begins. She's still the girl we knew and loved in Sunnydale, but the fact that her own side tried to hunt and kill her has, perhaps, brought out an edge to Buffy's personality that's new.

I especially liked how each chapter was told from the perspective of a different character - not only did I get to play around with elocution and enunciation while recording the fic, but also it enabled me to get to know these characters so much better. I'm less familiar with the SVM characters than the BtVS ones, but by the time I got through Eric and Godric's chapters, I was aware of their motivations, their histories, their likes and loves and triumphs and foes - I was in their heads. And let me tell you, inside the mind of a 2,000 year old vampire is a chilling place....

So, there's about as much violence in this podfic as in either series, though perhaps not quite as much sex. I really like the idea of telepath!Buffy, and the Council's wetworks team always makes a great villain, and the juxtaposition of Buffy's life as the Slayer with her life living amongst the Vampires is just fascinating. Plus, the reunion scene in the coda is phenomenal - there's the contentment Buffy has in her life now, and the sadness of the people she left behind, and the rather possessive vibes given off by Buffy's new family.

Download the mp3 here, and don't forget to leave pprfaith some love.

pprfaith gets her own tag, amp 2011, other people's fanfic, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, podfic, fandom: southern vampire mysteries, yay videos!

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