[lots of little things, that aren't big enough to get their own individual posts]

Mar 29, 2011 17:11

 So I woke up this morning and thought, "I think I'll check my email. And maybe, clear out some of my inbox. There's stuff in there from last August."

But then I did something dumb (I'm not sure what specific something it was, but the end result was much dumbness), and basically changed all the settings of Read/Unread/Bookmarked/Whatever.........so now not only do I have too many old things to go through, but also all the other stuff that I don't want to accidentally delete, as well. It is very Bad News Bears in my inbox, right now.

So, if you've sent me a message, or an email, or even commented on something of mine in the last two weeks or so......it may take me a bit longer to get back to you. Not only am I a terrible correspondent, I am a disorganized terrible correspondent!

 Secondly.... the great, big, points-worthy amplificathon podficcing festival starts next week! Which means, for all you listeners out there in Podficland, that I shall be hoarding my podfics until that time. Sorry, no new listening material for you until April 4th - I wants me some points. In all likelihood, I'm not going to come out anywhere near the top of the list - last year's winner read something like, 47 hours of podfic. Plus, you know....if I'm not working on 'other' podfics, I'll be forced to finally finish my PBB... ;-)
There's this tiny voice floating around my brain, saying, "You should post a podfic a day until the end of the fest,"  - but I'm trying to quash it vigorously. I do not need more big project ideas on top of all the other things I've gotten halfway through finishing.

 In other news, I have started a new blanket. Yes, I have other projects that are mid-way to being finished, but those are all packed. It is V's birthday next month, and theoretically, I will have this done by then. I say this with more certainty than the last blanket that would 'theoretically' get finished.....because all my other crochet stuff is in boxes (save this one project - no distractions!), and also because this blanket is made with the super-thick, super-quick kind of yarn. Wanna see? Here's what I've got so far.... 

And, here's a close-up of the stitch.....

So, since I'm not going to be posting podfic-type entries 'til next week, I'll just have to finish my HOLY CRAP WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD slideshow of doom'n'awesome. Look for in on internets near you.

outside source of awesome, cameras are better than postcards, irritating techie shit, yarnivore

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