Also! Podfic! By musesfool!

Feb 23, 2011 19:17

 Last time, there was a massively major five-hour epic podficstravaganza. Today....not so much. Instead, feel free to listen to three bitty podficlets, all written by the lovely musesfool.

First up is Ivy League Material, a Supernatural ficlet about how Sam's not the only clever Winchester. After I'd read this, I completely agreed - Dean would ace his SATs to get into a girl's pants, and he would save that knowledge to hold over Sam's head later. The musical run-time may be a little long in comparison to the actual length of the podfic, but I just couldn't help it - the lyrics! And Dean! They match! If it wasn't, you know, the antithesis of cock rock, the Dollyrot's "Because I'm Awesome" could basically be Dean's personal anthem.

Download the mp3 here.

Next up is Kore, a Supernatural/Firefly crossover fic. Pecentage-wise, this podfic has more porn per minute than anything else I've recorded - and het porn, at that! The pairing is Dean/River, and there's this one line of dialogue that I thought was completely and utterly perfect to describe what brings the two of them together: "I have Simon, like Sam has you." Plus, this is River post-Big Damn Movie, and she's starting to get a little bit more sane with each day that the weight of Miranda is eased from her shoulders - musesfool  does an excellent job of showing us her convalescence, as well as River's somewhat asymptotal approach to being a 'normal' 18 year old girl. I just........I really liked this fic. Not just fot the porn, but also for the hinted-at relationships between River and Simon, River and Mal, Dean and Sam. The intro/outro music is Amanda Palmer's "Astronaut", which is not only a song I know all the words to, but also a great description of River (I thought).

Anyway, download the mp3 here.

Finally, we have Easy As Pie, which was actually the first of musesfool's stories that I'd read. This is, without a doubt, what I wish the Winchester Boys had done with themselves post-Apocalypse. Screw season six, and everything that comes with it. Just give me Sam, and Dean, and a pie truck. No angst, no lies, no moping....just pie. Enjoy!

Download the mp3 here.

And don't forget to let  musesfool  know how much you enjoyed yourself, once you're done listening!

ETA: I went back to change my icon for this post, and lost two paragraphs. And then retyped them. And then lost 'em again. Grrrrrrrrrrr.......I am not a happy camper.


ETA 3: Shitmotherfuckinggoddamn. I hate everyone. Stupid words. Stupid typing. Stupid internet messing up my stupid words. *crossing my fingers that it works this time*

other people's fanfic, fandom: spn, podfic, fandom: firefly, there's a girl in my bunk!

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