“I believe it’s time for another musical number full of comradeship and brotherhood.”

Feb 03, 2011 18:53

 Have you ever had one of those moments where the fic just grabs you by the arm and doesn't let go? It happened to me late last night/really early this morning. I couldn't sleep, and turned on my laptop -- that's what you're supposed to do in that situation, right? I was reading queenklu's very newly posted Sailing For Adventure on the Big Blue Wet ThingRead more... )

other people's podfic, other people's fanfic, podfic, needs coverart, fandom: muppets, no more megaupload, fandom: jared and jensen are in love

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Comments 15

queenklu February 4 2011, 00:14:22 UTC
THE MUSICCCCCCCC. I seriously just about teared up when I heard the Girliest Boy Actor start singing. YOU ARE AMAZING. I LOVE HOW YOU READ THIS. I WILL JUST SIT HERE AND FLAIL INTO A PUDDLE OF GOO.


reena_jenkins February 4 2011, 00:20:31 UTC
Oaky, I was in the middle of putting this up on amplificathon when your comment popped up - I hadn't even started typing the "Hey,look, your fic possessed my tongue and made me record it RIGHT AWAY - here's the dl link" letter to you yet. You are inSANE, my dear.

Hope you enjoy it!


galwithglasses February 4 2011, 17:30:45 UTC
I read the story last night and then saw there was the podfic. I had to listen right then and spent what was left of the night laughing and trying not to wake anyone up. The music just makes this and it was already really funny to start with.


reena_jenkins February 9 2011, 22:15:57 UTC
The music just makes this...
Right? As I was reading this fic, I started humming along.....and then I knew I couldn't NOT podfic it, if only so that I wouldn't be the only one it happened to... ;-)

I'm glad you enjoyed it!


bessyboo February 7 2011, 04:27:02 UTC
WAIT. PAUSE. THERE IS A J2 LILO+STITCH AU AND I WAS NOT INFORMED?!?!! This is a travesty of EPIC PROPORTIONS!!!!! Also, Nightmare Before Christmas! Dude, you're my favorite person today for giving me those links \o/

...also, HI, I'M BACK! I have been off the interwebs for a WHOLE WEEK! *gasp of despair* But my move is over and I am back now, and have officially claimed your PBB on the artist claim post, so...you're stuck with me now ;) I have already cast Nora, but I am totes open for suggestions on PJ.


reena_jenkins February 9 2011, 23:43:03 UTC
A) That was basically my reaction, when I first found out that 'Stuck on You' existed. However, it's in my to-do pile, and queenklu has a general feel-free-to-podfic-me statement out, so whenever I have an end in sight on my current holy-crap-you-need-to-finish-recording-this-fic list, it's so totally gonna be podficced. Like WHOA.

B) HI, WELCOME BACK TO THE INTERNET! How was the move? Did anything break? Do you get to play with all the left-over bubblewrap, now that you don't need it to protect your delicates (I'm totally going to buy a roll of bubblewrap at the FedEX store.....for my lamps.....and not just 'cause I want to stomp on it after we move in to the new place)?

C) In my head, Nora and PJ were kinda blondish ('cause the actor who played Dave was blondish), but....well,as mean as it may sound, I didn't exactly imagine them having faces......


bessyboo February 13 2011, 08:42:12 UTC

B) It was kind of hellish (see my most recent post in my journal). And aside from an ancient floor lamp that broke while coming out of the moving van, only a couple of things broke that I've found so far, but nothing terribly important (mostly dishes & glasses). And hah, I didn't actually use any bubble wrap--I, er, acquired a bunch of tissue paper from work, which I used for wrapping. But now I kind of WISH I did, damn, I'm jealous ;P

C) Haha, okay, I'll keep looking myself. I'll run my base images past you before I start on the actual cover, though :) JSYK, I kind of imagined Nora as being more dark-haired, and PJ a bit more blondish, if that sounds okay?


reena_jenkins February 27 2011, 03:37:44 UTC
C) Sounds good to me.... Oh, I got another 10 minutes recorded on the PBB. It's not really enough for me to actually send anything to you yet, but we're slowly but surely getting there.... ;-)


mangacat201 December 25 2014, 21:10:16 UTC
Hey, a friend of mine would love for me to listen to this, but the podlink is dead (damn you megaupload)... have you stored it anywhere else you can point me to? That would be much appreciated.


reena_jenkins December 25 2014, 23:09:29 UTC
I've fixed the link! I hope it makes you smile when you listen - all the Muppets' music is bound to put a grin on your face :D


mangacat201 December 27 2014, 09:28:40 UTC
OH MY GOD... that was so uplifting and sweet and genre and I CAN'T EVEN. With the music inbetween and the ... <- icon.


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