#ITPE 2016

Oct 16, 2016 18:34

Dear Podficcer,

Hi, there! Here's what I'm asking for, this year:

1. DCU
I blame last year's #ITPE for the way I spiralled into DCU over the last 12 months. I'm interested in the 'next gen' characters, the sidekicks - basically, if they show up in Teen Titans (comics & cartoon) or Young Justice (comics & cartoon), I'm happy. There's also the gang in Red Hood and the Outlaws (comics), a host of general Batfam and Gothamites, and the Arrow Clan (the many versions of Roy Harper and his clones/offspring/siblings). I like various permutations of the following pairings: Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Tim Drake/Kon-El, Jason Todd/Kori/Roy Harper, Jason Todd/Tim Drake/Roy Harper, Dick Grayson/Ridiculous Costuming, Roy Harper/Tim Drake, Tim Drake/Steph Brown, Artemis Crock/Wally West, Artemis Crock/Ladies, Roy Harper/Jade Nguyen (just no Bruce/any of his kids, Ra's/Tim, or Dick/Damian, please). I haven't been watching the DC tv shows, and I haven't seen Suicide Squad or BvS yet, so please stick with animated or comic book fics when you're picking what to podfic. I'm interested in stories about team missions, or life outside the cowl, or growing up, or slice-of-life family fun times.

2. Buffy crossovers
I don't know if you noticed, but I am a BIG FAN of crossovers. If you podfic a crossover for me, I may even cry with joy. Buffy crossovers are my most favorite things ever, seriously - Buffy is the most crossover-capable fandom I've ever met. Whether it's Yet Another Halloween Fic, or someone from an alternate fandom just got activate with Slayer Powers, or Buffy has fallen through a portal and can't get back home, I love it all.

3. Teen Wolf
Stiles/Peter is my scheming, delightfully amoral, pairing of joy. Stiles/Derek is my pairing of great popularity. Erica/Boyd is my pairing of sassy baby werewolves who did not get enough love in canon. I'm okay with recieving porn with these pairings, but I'm more interested right now in stories about Stiles and Peter being devious and planning rings around Beacon Hills' latest Monster of the Week.

4. Star Wars: TFA, original trilogy
Give me stories about Rey! Give me stories about Finn! Give me stories about BB-8! If you can find me a decent story about Captain Phasma's backstory, or Captain Phasma's future, or just plain Phasma-centric ANYTHING, I will probably faint with joy. I'm a fan of the Rey/Finn combo, Rey/Phasma, Leia/Han, and BB-8/exasperation. I'm not interested in Kylo Ren or Whatshisname Hux, though.

(Because I'm feeling kinda lazy, I'm going to copy/paste a couple lists from last year's #ITPE letter.)

Things That Make Me Love This Story
-happy endings
-twisty or creepy endings
-kidfic (of both the all-the-characters-ARE-kids and the-characters-HAVE-kids varieties)
-dark and twisted AUs where are the good guys are serial killers or psychopaths or career criminals but you root for them anyway
-Stargate Atlantis AUs
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer AUs
-snappy banter
-found families
-AUs where Character X never died, and then you get to see how canon gets warped by their presence
-situationally-induced cuddling
-X-Men AUs
-High-School-Into-College AUs
-epistolary stories
-stories where Character X is a demon/Special Kid/uses their Gift for devious or scandalous affairs
-sound effects
-Accidental Boyfriends
-Pretend Dating
-stories that make you think
-stories that leave you thinking and pondering and contemplating, even after it's all over
-threesomes, foursomes, moresomes (where the relationship is a Thing, not just an orgy of Guest Starring Limbs)
-high school/college AUs

Things I Do Not Dig
-unwarned-for character death (I don't mind if you have to kill off a character in the course of your storytelling duty, but warn me ahead of time, please)
-cross-generational incest (I'm alright with incest - see all the Wincest I've recorded - but parent/child is not my thing)
-angels having any kind of sex (it throws up all kinds of Catholic Guilt flags. Interestingly, however, I have no problems at all with demons having sex)
-I can't remember the exact term, but stories where altar-boy!X (or demon!X, or doubting-his-faith!X) seduces Father Y (let's just leave the clergy out of this altogether, okay? Let's make it easy for everyone, and skip over Catholic School AUs for now, too)
-angst (I'm in this for the escapism; unless under very specific circumstances, if I wanted to be depressed I'd take my headphones off and pay attention to crappy reality)
-bestiality (of the there-is-actually-an-animal-involved-with-my-genitalia kind, not the sometimes-I'm-a-werewolf kind)
-stories that lack internal consistency (I'll spend the whole time picking apart the logic holes, instead of appreciating your performance)
-First Person POVs (though oddly enough, Second Person POVs really work for me...)
-people eating people (don't care if they're alive or dead, I frown upon cannibalism)

Also, most authors I podfic these days have Blanket Permission -and if I've podficced more than one of their stories, chances are, I'd love to hear you read me another one. As for my podfic-listening habits, my work commute is around 45 minutes from door to desk - if you wanted to make me something that would last me an entire morning trek, I'd be super psyched ;) If you're reeeeally not sure if I'd like the story, go ahead and ask analise010 or pprfaith - between the two of them, they know all my kinks and favorite tropes.

I can't wait to hear from you, new friend! Thanks so much for making me my new present - I just know it's gonna be awesome.

i blame everything on twitter

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