pedal to the metal, lookin' straight amazin'Author:
reena_jenkinsRating: PG
Fandoms: DCU, Batman (comics), Under the Red Hood, Supernatural
Pairings: Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Warnings: Crossover, not particularly canon compliant, diners, The Impala
Length: 00:14:41
Author's Summary: "You can't just steal a car from someone because you think they're a douchebag."
Download Link: You can download this podfic as an mp3
right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me).
Why I Love It: Look, Dean and Sam are my boys, right? I've definitely recorded enough hours of them having sex, I have a soft spot for them in my heart. But Dean is an asshole. He is. So when he's an asshole where Jason Todd, Professional Ass-Kicker and Stand-Up Feminist, can hear him? Well..... driving the Impala off into the sunset is a fitting punishment for the crime. (I apreciate the way Tim appreciates the Impala, too.)