Into the Woods (part 2) (part 3)Author:
reena_jenkinsRating: PG-13
Fandoms: Teen Wolf
Pairings: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Warnings: Female Stiles Stilinski, Always Female Stiles Stilinski, Rule 63, Alpha Peter Hale, season one, Werewolf Stiles Stilinski, A Spot of Gore, Misogyny, tumblr fic, tumblr prompt
Barton Hollow, as performed by The Civil Wars
Length: 00:21:11
Author's Summary: Stiles is too clever for her own good. Season one derails.
Download Link: You can download this podfic as an mp3
right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me).
Why I Love It: Lady Stiles AND Werewolf Stiles? With pragmatism and vengeance and animal instincts? BE STILL MY BEATING HEART.