“You spent three years on a boat with no women at all and nobody ever hunted like that?”

Jul 13, 2016 21:39

Title: The List
Author: suzukiblu
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairings: Sokka/Zuko
Warnings: post-season 3, talk about sex, no actual sex
Music: Let's Talk About Sex, as performed by Salt-N-Pepa
Length: 00:21:12

Author's Summary: This was written as a meme response to the prompt “Sokka and Zuko spend the entire fic arguing about what kind of sex is socially acceptable for them to have”.

Yes, it is exactly as not-right as you think it is.

Download Link: You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me).

Why I Love It: I spent a month marathoning Avatar with my roommates, and now I love these goobers. All of them. All of their little, element-manipulating, sassy selves. I'm pretty sure I ship all the possible permutations of 'ship, too. Sadly, I appear to have hit the fandom about 9 years too late - it aired in 2007, and the majority of the fanworks seem to be on ffn, which... I think I've forgotten how to navigate. And I'm not 100% sure I've hit their voices quite right (I had to keep toning Sokka down, he got very shrill in the podfic the more sexually frustrated Zuko made him), but I love the dynamic here, and the banter. Avatar hits my banter button the same way Buffy does, which is just the best thing ever (....and I think suzukiblu even did an Avatar/Buffy ficlet. I'll have to go looking for that one). Enjoy these sexually frustrated goobers!

other people's fanfic, podfic, fandom: atla, i made coverart!

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