"Never could let me have the last word, could you? You son of a--"

Apr 24, 2016 22:22

Title: The Urban Vigilante vs. the Common Cold
Author: sister_wolf
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: DCU, Batman (comics)
Pairings: gen
Warnings: Sick Fic, Illness, Get Well Soon, Long-Distance Mother-Henning, Alfred's Chicken Soup
Length: 00:11:04

Author's Summary: Jason has a cold. He's not quite sure how that became a thing.

Download Link: You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me).

Why I Love It: Awwwwwww, poor Jason. He's getting mothered by the Batfam, and all this get-well-soon affection's just confusing his already fever-addled brain. Of course, the Batfam interprets "taking care of" someone in a particularly stalker-ish manner - which doensn't help matter much either. Jason just needs some nyquil and some soup and to sleep for 48 hours.......too bad that in Gothan, Crime Doesn't Sleep. (I really love Jason's poor confused face, in the wake of the various members of the BatClan swooping into his life to force cold medicine  down his throat. He's like ....whut? ...why? ....huh? It's wonderful.)

amp 2016, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, fandom: dcu

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