"Jarvis, shut up, I can feel your sarcasm."

Mar 20, 2016 00:45

Title: Degrees of Separation
Author: plingo_kat
Rating: PG
Fandoms: Iron Man (Avengers movie'verse)
Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Warnings: Robot Feels, Inner Monologue, Introspection
Length: 00:15:39

Author's Summary: Oh god, what if Jarvis infected Dummy with, with emotions. Jesus Christ.

Download Link: You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me).

Why I Love It: Tony + Bot Feels will ALWAYS hit my buttons. Tony + Bot Feels + Creation of Found Families hits ALL MY BUTTONS WITH A HAMMER. It's such a glorious look inside Tony's psyche, especialy the progression of robots throughout Tony's history. Plus, this story provides all the best Jarvis-is-Tony's-CHILD feels for your consumption. Everything is robots and wonderful and perfect.

amp 2016, fandom: avengers, fandom: iron man, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!

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