"Suck it up, Captain Bridezilla."

Apr 02, 2015 22:32

(I missed posting a podfic last night, too... sorry for the off-kilter schedule this week, there's been a lot of too-late nights. So to make up for it, have two podfics in a series! One of them's a repod!)

Title: give me your answer do
Author: lazulisong
Rating: PG
Fandoms: Captain America (movie'verse)
Pairings: Steve Rogers/James "Bucky" Barnes
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Marriage Proposal, Same-Sex Marriage, Idiots in Love, Hospitals, Fluff
Music: Daisy Bell, as performed by Sara Lov & Zac Rae

Length: 00:18:23

Author's Summary: "Bucky knows it's going to be a bad one when Steve wakes up again, lifts his head up from the side of Bucky's fancy electric hospital bed, and says, "Now don't get mad until I explain."

His voice has the tone that had meant he'd got into another fight and had two black eyes, or found a HYDRA nest and accidentally forgotten to tell Bucky or the other Howlies that he was going in to clear it out, or that he'd met a stray dog on the way home from the store and given it his share of meat for supper and was planning to eat boiled potatoes and stale bread, while expecting Bucky to eat his own share of the meat as if it didn't choke him."

Download Link: You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me).

Why I Love It: I recorded this back when my phone was my only source of podfic mic-ness, so the audio's not quite as sharp. But I really love the interaction between these two, and how Steve tries to justify "marry me so I can flout HIPAA" as a valid life choice. sisi_rambles has also recorded a podfic of this fic, so you should go check that one out, too!

Title: it won't be a stylish marriage
Author: lazulisong
Rating: PG
Fandoms: Captain America (movie'verse)
Pairings: Steve Rogers/James "Bucky" Barnes
Warnings: Idiots in Love, Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage, Marriage of Convenience, Transparent Excuses Steve Rogers Has Made
Music: Daisy Bell, as performed by Nick Cave

Length: 00:17:14

Author's Summary: "There's no way even Steve's subconscious is screwed up enough to come up with 'and then I went shopping for a ring to marry my best friend with Howard Stark's son's ladyfriend helping me pick one out at Tiffany's while Howard Stark's son lurked behind us pretending not to be deeply interested in the proceedings'."

Download Link: You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me).

Why I Love It: Steve Rogers and his entourage of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, on the showroom floor of the flagship Tiffany & Co. Imagine it. Savor it. Cherish the mental image. (I recorded this one on my phone as well, even though I had my laptop by the time this fic was posted, because I wanted both parts of the series to match. Screw sterling audio quality, MATCHING is what's important. I was really hoping that this series would be continued in a third fic, just so I could revel in the chaos of a Tony Stark-planned wedding night, which is a large part of why it took so long for me to post these two. But the stories that exist right now are beautiful, and you shold go roll around in all of Steve's flimsy excuses.)

other people's podfic, amp 2015, fandom: avengers, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, fandom: captain america

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