So, the obligatory this-is-a-journal-watch-me-chronicle-the-shit-I-do post is out of the way, so now on to the good stuff!
Today's podfic is again a product of the brilliantly funny mind of
Just Another Waveform Collapse (The Shorthand Epic Remix) is an SGA-Firefly crossover that was so spot-on and in sync with the characters of both shows, I could literally hear their voices in their head. Though maybe that's not such a ringing endorsement, looking at River.... I can only hope I got the voices right - the diction of Firefly has such a specific cadence to it, and the vocab is so show-specific, that either you get it right, or miss by a mile.
queenzulu definitely got it, but as I am not Nathan Fillion, I might not have. Let me know what you think, and any places I could stand for improvement, please?
Other awesome, besides the awesome characterizations: it makes such complete sense how these two shows could intersect. At the end of this fic, you're left thinking, "Oh....that's what Earth-that-was is all about...." and smiling from the awesome. Plus, Kaylee meeting Rodeny? Ronon's knives versus Jayne's grenades? Great times, all around. Plus, this line: "Ronon and Teyla share a glance that silently accuses him of being hopelessly Earth-centric again."
The podfic's a bit less than half an hour, so have a listen, and smile in all the great ways that only space-cowboys-running-from-the-law and space-explorers-fighting-space-vampires can make you.
Here's the download, and don't forget to tell
queenzulu how much you loved the fic!
Oh! Also.... The original fic, which this podfic was a remix of, is called
It Pays the Bills, by Grav. Read that, too.