( #ITPE Stocking Stuffer for growlery )

Dec 25, 2014 19:30

Title: Rootsong
Author: inlovewithnight
Rating: PG
Fandoms: Guardians of the Galaxy (MCU)
Pairing: gen
Warnings: Post-Movie, Recovery, Team As Family, Movie Canon Only, Baby Groot
Music: "Journey through Middle Earth: Fangorn forest"
Length: 00:15:21

Author's Summary: "Groot needs more room to grow."

Download link: You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me!)

Why I Think growlery Will Love It: Because she is just as emotionally invested in this tiny little sapling and his family of a-holes as I am.

Why Everyone Else Will Love It: Gamora's characterization in this fic is lovely (even if I worried about voicing her with enough emotional depth as I podficced). I loved how Gamora's perpetually straining to hear the rootsong at the edge of her hearing, and it's not until Groot pulls her in that she hears the whole depth and breadth of "[t]he web of life and community among the floral colossi." In fact, I attempted to replicate this feeeling by underlying this whole podfic with forest-sounds, growing louder and more distinct throughout the podfic - I hope that, as the listener, you'll get that same feeling of revelation and homecoming that Gamora experienced. (This podfic was beta'd by jelazakazone, who said the sound levels were fine. Any other errors are my own.)

i blame everything on twitter, fandom: gotg, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, there's a girl in my bunk!

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