fourth week of podficiversary (day five)

Aug 09, 2014 20:14

Since yesterday's podfic was about grown men playing children's games, tonight's podfic shall be about children playing games.

Children like Jim Kirk and Spock, meeting earlier than canon and still striking up that particular brand of aggravating friendship. Jim's still kinda smirky and looking for someone to notice him, and Spock's whole humans are incomprehensibly illogical schtick is in full force, and they bond over three-dimensional chess. I just love how, even without the events that define these characters' personalities in Reboot Trek, Jim and Spock are still themselves.

They're weeeeee babies! They end up holding hands! With all the touch-telepathy that implies!

Always Shall Be, written by saucery, was a delight to read and to record. The podfic has a run-time of 00:11:10, and can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!)

I can't believe how long it's been since I last posted a ST:xi podfic - I hope this small bit of smile-inducing storytelling helps make up for that lack. Stick around for the next few days of podficiversary!

other people's fanfic, fandom: st-xi, podfic, i made coverart!

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