"I am not okay with the idea of being in the middle of a zombie movie, okay?"

Apr 27, 2014 20:44

AMP14 - Day Forty-Five

Title: Survival By Eliot (The Eliot Spencer Guide to Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse) - TEXT - WEBSITE -
Author: lorax
Reader: reena_jenkins
Coverartist: reena_jenkins
Rating: R
Fandom: Leverage
Pairings: Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer, Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer, Parker/Eliot Spencer, Sophie Devereaux/Nathan Ford
Warnings: alternate universe - canon divergence, alternate universe - apocalypse, alternate universe - zombies, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, threesome, post-apocalyptic setting, OT3, multimedia
Length: 01:26:29

Author's Summary: "When a virus ends the world in a plague of zombies, Eliot Spencer travels the country around with Parker and Hardison, helping pick up the pieces. Hardison builds a website."

Download link: You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thanks for hosting me, paraka!)

Why It's Awesome: This story was primarily designed to be read as a website - how cool is that?! The website's amazingly detailed, and interactive, and full of Hardison-esque in-jokes.... and on top of all that web design, lorax wrote anecdotes to ILLUSTRATE all the rules! Eliot's voice is so precise here (even though I think I might have slipped into a Michael Weston-type vocal inflection in a spot or two, in the podfic), and Hardison's footnotes are just the right amount of levity in an otherwise-serious subject. I loved the slow-build of the Parker/Hardison/Eliot relationship, especially the way it felt organic and natural to the situation that the Leverage crew has found themselves in. And I got to use sound effects in this podfic! Hopefully, the keyboard typing and zombie groans I used to offset the different modes of storytelling - Eliot's rules on the website versus the more traditional anecdotes - help to set the scene for you, dear listener. The Intro/Outro music I used in this podfic is The Team, as composed by Joseph LoDuca - AKA, the theme music for Leverage. This podfic was beta'd by kalakirya, who was really helpful (and really enthusiastic) about my first major foray into Leverage fandom podfic.

And if nothing else sells you on this podfic... ZOMBIES. Zommmmmmbieeeeeeeeeeees. Zombies. That is all.

fandom: leverage, other people's fanfic, podfic, amp 2014, i made coverart!, there's a girl in my bunk!

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