"I didn't love it. The war. The fighting. I hated every fucking second of it."

Apr 25, 2014 16:55

AMP14 - Day Forty-Three

Run Until the Road Runs Out, written by ignipes, is a post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier story. It does contain spoilers for the end of that movie, if that's a thing you're concerned about. It is the story of how Sam and Bucky became friends. It is also the story of how Natasha blew up a warehouse. It is, by and large, a wonderful story.

Okay, so... I don't know. For some reason, even though Sebastian Stan had, like, zero lines in Winter Solider, I left the theater with FAR more Steve/Bucky emotions after seeing it than I did after Captain America: The First Avenger - and Bucky had whole paragraphs to say in that one. Something about the hurt, broken, you'd-find-this-in-my-favorite-dark-au-but-wait-it's-actually-canon nature of Bucky's brainwashing, maybe... it just punched me right in the buttons.

And then ignipes comes along, and gives me a story that takes my new-found Steve/Bucky feelings, shakes 'em up with all my Sam-is-a-great-dude feelings, and spits out something marvelous. We get to see Sam as a teammate (not a sidekick), and as a friend, and as a support councilor, and as a clueless dude who's flying by the seat of his pants (since SOMEBODY broke his wings). Bucky's not by any means healed from the aftereffects of HYDRA, but he's slowly growing into a new, whole, shape - and seeing Sam appreciate that, as well as Steve (who always believed in Bucky), is heartwarming. Natasha is her usual terrifyingly competent self, of course.

The Intro/Outro music for this podfic is the song Brooklyn is Burning, as performed by Head Automatica - I fell right into my early-2000s playlist for this one, and I'm starting to think that Head Automatica might be the entire playlist of post-Winter Soldier Bucky. No, but look at the lyrics - "You strangle people with a piercing stare / I can't believe I made it / The way you operate is so severe, so severe / I hate it" - it's both Bucky's reflection on his brainwashed self, and Steve's regret for not being able to help. Plus, Brooklyn. Gratuitous references to Brooklyn are always appreciated.

This podfic has a run-time of 00:41:17, and you can download it as an mp3 right over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above. Happy listening!

(....and, if anyone has any fic recs of STEVE as the Winter Soldier, or maybe HYDRA gets their mitts on Steve as he's trying to save Bucky, or something to that effect - please and thank you for linking me!)

fandom: avengers, other people's fanfic, podfic, amp 2014, i made coverart!, fandom: captain america

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